Camp Horizon is made possible by your donations. We appreciate your generosity as it allows these special kids the opportunity to attend camp at no cost.
Camp Horizon is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax deductible nonprofit charity. Any donations made to Camp Horizon will be recognized with a donation letter.
We truly appreciate any amount big or small and thank you for partnering with us and helping our campers “Broaden their Horizon.”
We can also accept donations via Venmo. Donations can be sent to the Business Account @camphorizon or by scanning/clicking the Venmo QR code below:
Please make checks payable directly to Camp Horizon with the following information and mail to:
Camp Horizon, Inc.
5876 Sunset Canyon
Hixson, TN 37343
name on slideshow
*at this level you’ll sponsor the cost of a camper and counselor
tshirt or mug
name on slideshow
tshirt or mug
name on slideshow and website
tshirt or mug
name on: slideshow, website, and banner outside of camp
logo on sleeve of camper shirt
tshirt or mug
name on:
slideshow, website, and banner outside of camp
We appreciate your generosity as it helps us to offer our programming to kids in need.